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With Robert Rogers & Laurie Szott-Rogers

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A. Therapeutics

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Robert Rogers and Laurie Szott-Rogers


  1. 1997 All Rights Reserved

Revised 2017

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada


For Educational Opportunities

Prairie Deva Essences are made by Robert Rogers, Laurie Szott-Rogers, and the many Prairie Devas who work hard to bring their knowledge and healing methods to the human realm. Prairie Deva Essences are mainly from flowers of the Canadian Prairies. Generally, we feel indigenous plants are our most effective healers. The exception to this is while traveling. We sometimes feel drawn to make an essence native to another location. We believe at these times that particular plant energies have properties that are related to a particular circumstance and need.

Dr. Bach- Where it started-

In the western world, Dr. Edward Bach wrote about Flower essences in the 1920s. He as dissatisfied with the state of healing. He found that patients he helped would keep coming back for various reasons. He sensed a condition behind the illnesses and accidents they suffered. He felt there was a lack of soul alignment between individuals and their lives. They might be stuck in an occupation or relationship that was not allowing them to be the fullness of who they could be. He sensed this misalignment with their soul ‘s purpose was the actual reason behind the illnesses or accidents.

He felt medicine alone could not help this condition of suffering.

Dr. Bach was drawn to find solutions in nature. He wanted an inexpensive therapy, available to all. He could sense the spiritual and emotional signature of plants and found that if he soaked flowers of specific plants in pure water, in a crystal bowl and set them in the sunlight, the water would take on a vibration from the host plant.

These flower infused waters were unlike herbal remedies, as they did not actually have plant matter in them, rather they were solely vibrational in nature. The idea was more akin to homeopathy than conventional medicine. For sure, it took a leap of consciousness to think that these vibrational elixirs could be remedies that would address the reason behind why Dr. Bach’s patients didn’t get better with medical intervention, alone.

Flower Essences

Dr. Bach named these healing waters, he used internally, flower essences. He used flower essences for healing spiritual and emotional patterns that were not addressed elsewhere in medicine. He felt they were part of the solution to helping people align their soul and purpose, the reason behind many diseases, in his mind.

Dr. Bach’s remedies have been on the market in the U.K. for over a century. No, they don’t cure cancer, nor a broken leg. But, for over a hundred years they have maintained a loyal following and have even spread to many other continents.

Many other flower essence companies have arisen since Dr. Bach’s discovery. People are using plants native to their geographical region. We have had the pleasure to study with and be part of the initial wave of flower essence practitioners in North America.

We would like to mention Richard Katz and Patricia Kaminski from the Flower Essence Society in California. Ian White from the Australian Bush Essences. Steve Johnson from Alaskan Essences, (he has recently passed on, but has left a wonderful legacy), Sabina Petit from Pacific Essences in B.C. Unfortunately, we have only met Dr. Bach in our imaginations, but he, of course, is the initial inspiration for this journey.

Our gratitude goes to these teachers and pioneers, who have pursued Dr. Bach’s vision of an inexpensive, safe remedies. We also have a deep love for the plant Devas and Fairies of our planet, who work so hard to maintain the plants and beauty we all walk on.

How Flower Essences Work-

There is very little plant material in flower essences. They work on the principle of vibrational healing more like the transformation experienced from beautiful music or spiritual healing.

In the documentary, Water: the Mystery of Life (2011) scientists experimented on water and found that it seems to retain information, and has a memory. They found that when they froze droplets of water on glass slides it formed a different pattern depending on who handled it. Water reacts to people.

They also showed the patterns of water on glass slides that had held different flowers. The slides had a distinct image of the plant that had held them. It looked like a hologram of the flower itself, posing more questions about the possibilities of flower essences, (a mixture of water and flowers), having a distinct pattern or vibration that is visible, with the right equipment.

Patricia Kaminski, from the Flower Essence Society, says flower essences are like an amazing piece of music or art. They lift us to another level.

It could be that as scientific equipment gets more sensitive and researchers know where and how to observe that vibrational medicine becomes better understood.

Dr. Masaru Emoto (2005) in Japan also experienced interesting results with water, itself. He also found that water responded to words. Words spoken to water and written on water containers could influence the way the crystal formed. Words like love and thank-you caused the water in his studies to form more beautiful patterns than water exposed to angry or unhappy words.

We don’t know exactly how flower essences work, but their gentle vibration seems to heal many people and animals.

Determining the Dosage

7 drops under the tongue 2 times daily, or 4 drops 3 times daily are the traditional doses. If this does not feel right to you, we suggest that you honor your intuition about how often and how much to take. Some people determine amounts by testing with a pendulum, muscle testing or asking their inner self. Flower essences are very safe and you cannot overdose or take too much.

Remember with flower essence healing you are always in control.

If you experience too many changes, too quickly and wish to slow things down-

Take fewer drops of the essence.

Take the essence less frequently.

Even one or two drops once or twice a week may be enough for some people.

Try using the essences topically, like in a bath, instead of internally.

If you are not noticing any changes you may try a variety of strategies:

Take more drops of an essence.

Take the drops more frequently.

Take the essences in a quiet space and use affirmations. Give the seeds of change time to plant.

Ensure you have taken the dose for at least 28 days, a lunar cycle.

Check in with your body. Are changes happening, but you are not present to acknowledge them?

Check your dream life and synchronicities in your life for more clues.

Or alternatively, possibly you are not on essences that are suitable for you. Like in all healing – evaluate if this modality is a good personal choice.

Length of Time to Take the Essence

It is generally advisable to take your singular flower essence or essence combination for a minimum of 28 days; one moon cycle. This is adequate time to start to break old ideas down or recreate new patterns.

To Minimize the Effects of the Alcohol-

There is a small amount of alcohol in each bottle as a preservative.  To reduce the potency of the alcohol, drop your dosage of the essence into hot water. Some of the alcohol will dissipate and you will be left with the essence, which you can then sip.


Keep the flower essence bottle clean. Drop the essences into a pristine glass and then add water. If you drop them straight into your mouth, ensure you do not touch the container to your mouth. If you inadvertently, do rinse it under water and then dab dry with a paper towel as soon as possible. It is possible for bacteria to build if dirty hands or mouths touch the dropper.

Flower essences are easy to add to any other therapies to possibly bolster their effect.

They can be added to a massage cream or added to hypnosis, as an anchor.

They can be given by a coach to help achieve a goal, or a therapist wishing to add more intention to the healing program. Chiropractors sometimes use them, as do vets. They work beautifully in conjunction with art, dance or music therapy. They may also be effective on their own, coupled with a goal, intention, afformations and action steps, that synergize with the goal.

Techniques like afformations, becoming conscious of inner patterns and paying attention to dream themes work well with this vibrational therapy.

Afformationsand Affirmations

We also suggest that essences are taken in conjunction with positive “afformations”. This concept was presented by Noah St. John (2014) and is a way of putting new seed thoughts into the mind. The right afformation might nurture new thoughts to allow in new hope and possibility. Noah suggests that afformations are phrased as questions. This format is different than affirmations, which are presented as statements. I will present an example around the issue of self-acceptance.

An affirmation could be- “I love and accept myself.”

The afformation I might be, “how is it that I love and accept myself so deeply?

According to Noah St. John, Afformations may create less resistance internally, than affirmations, as they are posed as questions and possibilities, rather than statements. He feels these questions can seep into our consciousness more easily, being less challenged by our inner judge.

Repeat your afformation when you take your flower essence. Say it with emotion and belief. This belief triggers the subconscious mind to accept the new idea.

I have found when I use afformations in combination with flower essences, the universe conspires to help. A great intention, combined with an open question may attract the curious angels J.

So, feel free to create afformations and affirmations for your blends. Either technique amplifies the effect of flower essences.

Becoming Conscious of Inner Patterns-

Creating change is aided if it is accompanied by a genuine desire to become conscious about inner patterns that are creating dis-ease or lack of ease in self.

A readiness and true desire to dissolve behaviors and attitudes which harm often helps individuals handle the discomfort involved with shifting their psychological stance. If there is a willingness to take responsibility, much can change with the joint impact of personal desire and vibrational medicine.

Dream Themes

Pay attention to dream themes, while working on flower essences. The subconscious often shows an unfiltered, true response in the dream state. So, although it may not feel like life is shifting in waking life, if dream images and themes are strong, some change might be occurring. Or some dreams will suggest change is necessary. Particularly upsetting dreams, nightmares may indicate not all is well in our psyches, and we should pay attention in waking life

Flower essences can be used to enhance our dream life, as can vitamin b, good sleep, a dream journal and consistently listening to and respecting the inner dreamer’s message.

Where we experience agony in dream life or when we are off track from our personal destiny, dreams can help illuminate where the discomfort lies. Use your dream wisdom to find which inner issue to address. Boost the effects with a flower essence. Flower essences and dreams vibrate on the same intuitive spectrum and can be very complementary modalities.

Dreams are also a way to attune to flower essences. Sometimes a dream will illuminate what a plant is about.

How To Choose An Essence?

Books-(self-selection) often people will consult a flower essence book like this, or the flower essence repertory by Patricia Kaminski to determine which essence to take.

Pendulums & Muscle Testing– (self-selection). Testing with a pendulum to receive a yes or no response may be effective. I like this method to confirm my choices are valid. Kinesiology is used in much the same way. If the muscle stays strong, the answer is usually affirmative.

Psychological Therapy Based Suggestions– Therapists familiar with the essences suggest an essence to take in conjunction with other therapeutic work. The essence is usually an adjunct therapy.

Neo-Shamanic Journeying- Journeying to the underworld and connecting to one’s guides is another way to determine which essence to take, or what the essence is for in your individual case. Guides might also be asked to help enhance the goal of the therapy or heal the pain.

Prayer– People may pray for an answer or a healing.

Attuning to the Devic, Fairy or Plant realm-

Teachers like Dorothy MacLean, one of the pioneers of Findhorn, a spiritual community off of Scotland, attune to the deva of the plant for insights to it. Dorothy basically, opens her heart and works through deep communion with nature and spirit. This is going right to the source to find the answer.

Herbalists, Nutritionists, Homeopaths– Will often have familiarity with the essences and suggest them as part of a whole person healing. Essences focusing on the emotional and spiritual aspect of the consultation.

Chiropractors, Physiotherapists– Will usually use muscle testing to select essences.

Flower Essence Practitioners- Being interviewed by someone trained in flower essence therapy can prove to be an incredibly, in-depth experience which places flower essence therapy as the main ingredient in the healing cocktail suggested. This is the most thorough and often effective way to use flower essences.

Some therapists work with other techniques besides interviewing, such as muscle testing, or intuitive transmissions.

The Plant’s Signature-How Plants Communicate With Humans

What is a plant signature and how is it relevant to your shift?

Like dreams, plants, too speak in symbolic ways. One of the ways they talk to us is through their plant signatures. Plant signatures are based on the idea that plants show us through their color, shape, scent, and growing patterns what issues they may address for humans. How might they help our mental, emotional and spiritual growth? It is, of course, anthromorphic to suggest that flowers express themselves for our purpose, but their color, shape, and direction, do suggest indications of possible benefit for human and animal healing.

Healers and herbalists have used the symbols plants express, along with watching the animal world to see which animals used specific plants. That is how some plants have received their names. Pigweed was named such because pigs fed on it. Catnip was named for the felines who used it to create an altered state. Flower essence creators also try to read each plant’s signature to see how the plant might be illustrating its true colors for us.

Flower essence therapists generally follow guidelines from color specialists.

I tend to blend this with chakra theory, as it is closely related.

For the sake of brevity, I will sum up the color and chakra theories. Please dig and do your own research to take this deeper for your own use, if you are intrigued.

Red represents the lower chakra and issues related to grounding and stability. Red flowers help increase the qualities of vitality, strength and being grounded.

Orange is expressive for the second chakra, the emotional centre. Orange flowers increase vitality, extroversion, and sensuality.

Yellow is related to the third chakra and solar plexus. It enhances willpower, happiness and adds a quality of sunniness.

Green is one of the colors related to the fourth chakra, the heart. It is the color of plants. Plants with green flowers are thought to be of the devic realm, or plant healers. Green flowered plants are healing for human’s connection to the plant world, according to Patricia Kaminski of the Flower Essence Society.

Green connects us to nature and our own healing.

Pink is also related to the heart chakra and is thought to be a color that is related to states of happiness and love. A deeper fuschia is more vibrant and sensual, while a light pink flower has a softer, sweet character.

Blue is related to the fifth chakra, the throat. Blue flowers are thought to be helpful for helping us speak our truth. They are also useful for mental clarity and emotional calmness. They can bring qualities of order and sanity,  ironing out confusion and chaos.

Indigo, a cross between blue and purple is indicated for the 6th chakra, the third eye. These lavender colored flowers are thought to strengthen our intuition and ability to see deeply into ourselves and into the world.

White flowers, or sometimes white and purple, are related to the crown chakra, (top of the head). White is the color connecting us to spirit. The crown chakra also relates to our belief system. It is here we can make some major shifts in behavior and attitude. This was always Dr. Bach’s hope for flower essences, that they free us from expectations and constraints and align us with our true soul purpose.

Magenta relates to the alpha and omega. This purple/red color is the hue a plant becomes when it is dying. It represents transcendence; symbolizing both the end, as it encompasses violet shades, hinting toward a new beginning with the red spectrum reappearing.

The color spectrum of the flowers gives us huge hints about which shade of flower to use for our rainbow of human ailments.

But, the language of flowers does not stop there.

I was taught by Patricia Kaminski and Richard Katz to pay particular attention to a plant’s shape.

A bell-shaped flower according to Katz and Kaminski has an affinity to the earth, self-reflection, the human body and how we relate to being in our human vessel.

A cup-shaped flower, is like a heart, feeling and yielding. Cup-shaped flowers are about giving and receiving love and compassion. Cups are expressive of the emotional realm.

A star-shaped flower reflects the cosmos and encapsulates our journey from being a part of a star to having human form. It embodies inspiration, connection to spirit and longing to join forces with the big picture, our spiritual heritage.

This is a taste of the language of plant signatures. But, there is so much more. For instance, the scent of a plant is a message, sometimes so sweet putting it in words feels disrespectful. This feels true of lilac, which refuses to be tamed or bottled and instead offers its true scent, only to those who make the mecca to come to it and visit its indigenous temple in the spring.

The texture of a plant, ranging from soft and absorbent to prickly, also expresses the character of each of our green brethren.  The same is true for the taste of each plant. Is it medicinal, or poisonous, sweet or bitter?

Does it like to grow in a community, or individually? Does it call on other kingdoms, like animals or insects to help it flourish?

All of these signals are meaningful to herbalists, healers, and flower essence therapists, sincerely wishing to communicate with the spirit of plants.

Asking Good Questions to Address the Right Issues:

One main concept in working with flower essences is to ask good questions. Questions in themselves may be healing. They are keys, which unlock openings in our psyches. In order to decide on which flower essences to take it is important to know what to focus on. Good questions provide that map.

What questions are important and valid?

My favorite approach is to start by asking the client, “why they are visiting”? What is their pain, their symptom? What brought them here?

If you are working on your own issues, this is also a good place to begin. What is your goal? Ensure it is a single goal and that you are ready to work toward it in a variety of ways. Make your goal clear. Choose an essence that supports that goal. Create an afformation that reinforces it. Choose action steps that work toward changing your behavior or attitude. Make it as fun, and doable as possible. Flower essence therapy or change isn’t about suffering, it is about bringing our thoughts and actions closer together.

In the month you are engaged with the essence, meditate on the meaning of the plant, looking for deep meaning in your own behaviors and attitudes, and watch for synchronicities. Place some pictures of the plant in your scope. Some like to put some pictures onto their phones, computer screens, or bring cut flowers into their homes. Bring the color of the plants you are using in as well, to benefit even more from the color therapy, aspect.

Remember as you work with essences, more is not better. Flower essences are not just another product meant to produce fast results; rather they work with you at an appropriate pace, sometimes bringing light to deep soul patterns. There can be discomfort as old patterns rear up, to allow you to get a clear picture of what is going on. This does not mean the situation is getting worse, rather it is getting easier to focus on. When that happens you have the ability to see if you want to keep this pattern or allow it to dissolve.

The meanings we have stated for Prairie Deva flower essences are what the plant energies have revealed to us through dreams, shamanic journeys, and intuitive thought. This does not mean the plant will have exactly the same message and impact on each individual using it.

Trust your intuition. If you are drawn to an essence choose that one. Ask the plant (i.e. black spruce) for its help and healing. Each essence will affect everyone slightly differently, so trust your intuitive impression of how the plant will work with you.

The information in this book is meant for general interest and is not a diagnosis or panacea. The essences can safely be added to any health care or psychological program. Flower essences will not, however, take the place of medical or psychological treatment. Do not replace your medications with essences!

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