Pan and the Paradox- Why we get stuck? Root Issues are where we find our glitch. These stem from our background inside our nuclear family.
What is a paradox or polarity? Create movement and sew new seeds with flower essences. What are your personal traps? Glimpse your archetypal traps. How do you recognize them? What bait lures you? How can you break outdated contracts that keep you stuck? Mak moving afformations to allow the psyche to find a new plan and invite in universal help.
What are Flower Essences?
Subtle liquid extracts derived from plants, taken orally to address emotional, soul and spiritual issues. They are prepared from a sun infusion of wildflowers or pristine garden blossoms in a bowl of water, which is further diluted, potentized and prepared with brandy.
- How do they work?
They do not work because of the chemical composition of the liquid, but because of the life forces derived from the plant and contained within the water-based matrix. Like homeopathic remedies, they are vibrational in nature. They are highly dilute from a physical point of view, but have subtle power as potentized substances, embodying the specific energetic patterns of each flower. They work through the various human energy fields, which in turn influence the mental, emotional and physical well-being.
They are also like a holograph where the whole plant message is left within each drop of water. The process is subtle. It is a form of healing that is unlike drugs. It can be a slow natural cycle, like the growing of a plant. To notice effects we need to train ourselves differently than when looking for drug reactions. We need to look to our interior world to see the shifts. Are we thinking differently; are we asking different questions, feeling different feelings. Are we attracting different experiences, having dreams related to the qualities of the flowers?
Flower essences are catalysts which stimulate and energize the inner transformational process. They are used best in combination with other soul remedies like counseling, dream work, journaling, and art or movement therapy.
There is an alchemical component to flower essences, uniting the relationship between the human soul and the soul of nature. This facilitates a soul dialogue between the archetypes of nature and the archetypes within the human soul.
refer to pg. 4 & 5 of Flower Essence Repertory for the complete
- How long will the healing take?
Each individual is unique, as is each issue looking for healing. Generally, change or insight on an issue takes a moon cycle (28 days). But healing a large issue is much like peeling layers off an onion, with due attention and complementary therapies, the layers will peel off in time.
- When do I take the essences?
Consistency is more important than dosage. Taking the remedies 4 drops 4X daily, while repeating an affirmation during a quiet time is best. Just after waking, and before going to sleep are two ideal times, because the veils between the worlds are thinnest at these moments.
Essences can also be used topically on the skin, or in a bath. In a bath use 12 drops and make a figure 8 in the bath tub with the essence and water at least 7 X to potentize the bath water.
A few ideas when working with flower essences-
B) Goal: What is the client’s goal for this particular meta level? Make it congruent with the meta level.
Confidence, motivation, moving forward, de-stressing.
Make goals: clear, simple, measurable, and state them in positive words. I.E. I wish to make better decisions.
How will the client know when this happens?
How can you measure her awareness or changes around the issue? (Brainstorm with client about what they can identify as a change).
State how the client was involved in creating the goals? Did the client’s goals change during the interview?
What role did the practitioner play?
Ensure there is only one main goal. Too many will create a convoluted formula and unreasonable expectations in the client. Which goal is a priority?
Eg. Julie has come for the consultation with the goal- A) She would like to leave her job and move into a new career in software design. She feels trepidation with this leap. Her goal remained steady during the interview, but she did elaborate that she would like help in having the focus and confidence to make this career change.
- C) Root Issues: Root issues stem from the background. What is at the base of the client’s distress?
Always scan for a root issue. If the client is not comfortable addressing it, follow their lead, especially during a first interview. But always indicate in your personal notes what you suspect the root issue might be and why.
In your write-up indicate how you have dealt with the root issue in the interview and in your essence selection. At times a client is not ready to look at their root. Also, the root can be too tender to touch or hidden at the first interview. Sometimes we need an urgent issue addressed, such as acute distress and this takes precedence over looking for a root issue. In the meta level, look for the root issue that is blocking the goal the client wishes. Why don’t they have what they want? Is there a way they might be neglecting, abusing or abandoning themselves?
Recap of what is a root issue-
Abandonment, abuse, neglect, deprivation and exclusion are five main root issues that can affect us all. The main three we focus on are abandonment, abuse and neglect. There are major and minor injuries to our roots. For example constant criticism is not physical abuse, but it is distressing and can cause trauma. So, criticism might be thought of as a type of verbal abuse. Something we will all experience in our lives. Whereas, someone who had been a prisoner in a concentration camp and was beaten daily would have a much more severe case of abuse ingrained in their psyches.
Also note we can all inflict harm on others, usually without intention. So, there is no judgment about acquiring root issues, like trees we would be generic and boring if we lived our lives in seclusion and never acquired any dings or nicks. Yet, trauma is one of the forces that shapes our wounds, drives, and destiny.
The main thing about root issues is we end up turning them on ourselves.
For instance, with abandonment, if it has been modeled to us we w will abandon ourselves in certain ways.
With neglect, we will neglect parts of ourselves or our needs. We may do the same with others, or over compensate and really spoil others. Or we may spoil ourselves in one way and neglect ourselves in others.
The same applies to abuse. With the meta levels, we can start to see how is it we might abandon, abuse or neglect ourselves in the way of that meta level?
I.e. meta level one, is there emotional abandonment, abuse or neglect in any areas of our lives, toward ourselves or others. The answers may not pop up immediately, this is a new way of thinking and seeing.
For meta level two how do we treat our body? Do we abandon the parts we don’t like? Do we neglect our own eating, sleeping or exercise needs? Do we push ourselves so hard in exercise or diet that it is abusive?
For level 3, do we support our needs to grow and develop mentally and academically? Or do we buy ourselves the tools to grow and spend the time and discipline doing this?
D) Polarities: Polarities stem from root issues. Areas where the client is pulled in two different directions, (say one thing, do another), and this is creating pain, conflict or a sense of being “unsettled.” This is a key to finding where people are stuck, as it is a place of personal sabotage and stuckness. It shows where what we want to think and the way we are behaving is colliding. It is where the past, no longer useful beliefs collide with current models of thought. It is where our old conditioning and new learning meet.
The drama unfolds, which side will win. For sure there will be a struggle.
Yet, much of our polarities are partly invisible to us. We can’t always see them clearly. Old patterning is often sneaky, insidious and laden with deep, sometimes unconscious family, societal and religious beliefs. It is a blind spot that keeps us stuck.
How do we start to find and track polarities?
Dreams hold many clues. Dream interviews reveal conflicts, stuckness, and polarizing viewpoints.
Places that are not working in our lives show where this drama is being acted out.
When working with the self or clients- Go beyond what the client says, to their nonverbal reactions.
He wants one thing, but is unwilling to follow through in action, or acts in a direction that undoes what he wishes. Wants to lose weight and get in shape, but eats a pie a night and doesn’t exercise.
A split is going on Group the themes and polarities so that similar ones are near each other.
Eg. I.e. Julie wishes financial stability, but fears if she quits her job at the exercise club, to pursue her software business that her income will be unstable. A split is going on – i.e. the client says that she believes in self-responsibility, but in practice is blaming her employer for being stuck.
Julie resents working at the exercise club, yet feels a lack of confidence to do her own business. Polarity exists in Julie’s ability to be responsible. Her pattern is to blame and feel helpless, rather than, to take action and responsibility.
Advanced Polarity & Root Issues
Use the Root issue and background for personal insights and Way to Find More Freedom-
How we were treated in the past (background, look to nuclear family) can become a way we treat ourselves or others now. To find a way out of this loop make associations to see how that thought or behavior is triggering a polarity or upset. How is it we are reliving our root issues, abandonment, neglect or abuse? We may also be attracting others who feel familiar and act out the same patterns.
If there is anyway, we are inflicting this root issue on to ourselves, by subtly abandoning, neglecting or abusing ourselves? Can we get curious and observe how? Can we become insightful and find a way out of this pattern, to free ourselves from it?
The idea is to lovingly see where we are stuck, where it originates from and especially how to dissolve or break free from that pattern that is not in our best interest.
Afformations–and Affirmations
We also suggest that essences are taken in conjunction with positive “afformations”. This concept was presented by Noah St. John and is a way of putting new seed thoughts into the mind and change beliefs to what is more in line with our adult consciousness.
Noah suggests that afformations are phrased as questions. This format is different than affirmations, which are presented as statements. I will present an example around the issue of self-acceptance.
An affirmation could be- “I love and accept myself.”
The afformation I might be, “why is it that I love and accept myself so deeply?
According to Noah St. John, Afformations may create less resistance internally, than affirmations, as they are posed as questions and possibilities, rather than statements. He feels these questions can seep into our consciousness more easily, being less challenged by our inner judge.
So feel free to create afformations and affirmations and see what suits you better. Either technique amplifies the effect of flower essences.
Becoming Conscious of Inner Patterns-
Creating change is also aided if it is accompanied by a genuine desire to become conscious about inner patterns that are creating dis-ease.
A readiness and true desire to dissolve behaviors and attitudes which harm often means individuals are likely to bear the discomfort shifting. If there is a willingness to take responsibility, much can change with the joint impact of personal desire and vibrational medicine.
Pan-god of Paradox-
- The Paradox Pan
When Pan shows up in your cards it is time to take a walk on the wild side. Sometimes perspectives need to change. Pan knows how to take you out of your comfort zone and introduce a little feral blood into your veins. The old goat is charismatic and unconventional. He is drawn to our inner paradox. Where are you saying one thing and doing another? Becoming uptight when too much is expected of you and bowing to the social convention can cause damage. Sometimes you just have to say what you really want, rather than pretending, so you don’t cause ripples.
Pan does believe in right and wrong, but in an organic way, not predicated by conventional norms. So if you are feeling too constrained this wild card may help you find freedom through the unusual. Pan is also giving you an invitation to explore the world of nature. It can wake you up and give you purpose if you are feeling sluggish.
Have you been in a rut and unwilling to try something new? Pan suggests it is time to start seeing what is fresh and magical. That doesn’t mean the routine you’ve been following isn’t worthy, but maybe you have stopped being appreciative. Falling asleep in your life is akin to death. So, wake up, evaluate what you’ve got and decide if it’s your circumstances or attitude that need to change. Get congruent. If you have been living a lie, it is time to admit the truth and take the consequences. Pan is not a fan of hypocrisy. Pan loves to create and will stir up mischief for its own sake if you don’t work acknowledge your wild side. Getting into nature is a superb way to get clear about what matters.
Where in my life am I most stuck?
If you are unsure look to where you are experiencing pain in your life.
What is the issue about?
How are you behaving?
What are you saying?
Is there anyway there is something not congruent here?
i.e. Can I see any way I am saying one thing and doing another, around where this issue lies?
Where does this belief come from?
Where did the action first arise?
Is it still useful?
Is it causing any mischief or conflict in your life?
How do you feel it in your body when this polarity starts to arise?
Under what situations does it rear its head?
Why are you not making this change you want?
Is there a way to make peace with this issue that is keeping you stuck?
I.e. is there someone, or something you worry about disappointing?
Is there an old loyalty that keeps you stuck in this issue?
How might you let it dissolve?
How could your life look if it were resolved?
How would you know it was resolved?
How would that feel in your body?
Create anafformation about your new congruent words, actions, and behavior.
Share with class in sacred circle.